In 1905 Albert discovered Relativity,
in 1906 he invented Rock and Roll
~Yahoo Serious

In the last week or two, I’ve gotten several excellent questions on special and general relativity. I’d like to devote this week’s post to presenting and answering those questions. For the sake of anonymity, I will call the people who asked the questions Ms. C and Mr. A. I hope you enjoy!
A Question on Special Relativity
The first question is by Ms. C, who asked:
I’ve read your article “The Speed of Light is Constant.” I’ve… got a question on the speed of light and aether…. Maxwell’s theory says the velocity of light is constant…[independently] of the observer’s speed. Now if light waves travel through the aether, wouldn’t their speed vary depending on my moving towards them or away from them? If yes, why did scientists believe in the aether-concept?
That’s a great question! You’re right; Maxwell’s theory says that the speed of light is constant, and if waves actually traveled through aether, the speed of a light wave would vary depending on your moving towards or away from it.
Despite this, scientists believed in the aether for about 40 years after Maxwell published his theory. I think that one reason for this is that scientists had a hard time imagining anything else. This isn’t their fault; although it seems easy in retrospect, the conceptual leap is a hard one.
Scientists first learned about waves by observing them in water and on a vibrating string, so it was initially very hard to even imagine a wave without some medium for it to propagate in. After all, a wave is the wiggling of something. If it travels through vacuum, what’s wiggling? The idea of wiggling fields is a bit more abstract than a wiggling aether.
Even Maxwell was convinced that the aether was true. When he originally unified electromagnetism, he published conditions on the aether to force it to conform to his equations. His description wasn’t complete, though, which is why we needed Einstein.
Because giving up the aether was conceptually difficult and Maxwell’s mechanical description of the aether didn’t quite fit, other scientists tried to modify Maxwell’s equations to fit with their intuition. There were actually quite a few attempts to resolve the paradox. You can read about them on Wikipedia:
In fact, right before Einstein discovered relativity, scientists got very close to a correct description of special relativity. Hendrik Lorentz actually came up with all the equations—length contraction, time dilation, etc.—that we needed for special relativity, but he still connected them to the aether.
Incidentally, Lorentz and Einstein were friends. At the beginning of Einstein’s career, Lorentz was a giant in the physics world; Einstein approached him as an admirer and the two eventually became quite close.

But Einstein went the other way. He trusted Maxwell’s mathematics more than he trusted his own intuition, and this is what allowed him to develop special relativity. He formulated his first postulate of special relativity–“[t]he laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference”–specifically to forbid modifications to Maxwell’s equations.
This is actually pretty similar to a big problem we have in physics now. Both quantum mechanics and general relativity make correct predictions, but when we try to combine them, all of our attempts fail. People aren’t really sure what needs to be changed to treat gravity quantum mechanically. Is there something wrong with general relativity, or with quantum mechanics? We’re not sure. This is the problem of quantum gravity.
A Question on General Relativity
While Ms. C asked me about special relativity, Mr. A asked me about general relativity. He specifically asked me about my article “General Relativity Lets Us Take Shortcuts,” but I’ve also written an article on the geometry of spacetime and an article on the expanding universe. Here’s what Mr. A said:
As I understand it, Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity says that there is no gravitational force. Although mass appears to attract mass, that is not actually happening. Instead, mass curves spacetime so that the path of objects will be bent towards each other.In other words, when Einstein said that the gravitational force is fictitious, he did not mean that two objects will not move toward one another. The part he thought was fictitious was the idea that they are moving together because their mass is pulling (or interacting with) each other. The sole reason they move together is because their mass is curving spacetime, so that their paths converge.
For example, I throw a ball in the air and it comes back down to the ground. Why did it come back down rather than keep going up into space?
1.) Newton says it’s because the mass of the earth pulled the ball towards it.
2.) Einstein says that’s wrong. The mass of the earth did not pull on the ball. Instead, the mass of the earth curved spacetime so that the path of the ball was bent back towards earth. In other words, the mass of the earth directly affected the path of the ball, rather than the ball itself.
Is my premise accurate?… If that is true (there is no gravitational force), then how do you explain acceleration due to gravity? Objects should accelerate only if a force is acted upon them; otherwise they should maintain a consistent velocity.
In the above example, I understand that the ball will fall to the ground because earth’s mass is curving its path toward the ground. But if there’s no gravitational force acting upon the ball (i.e. the earth’s mass is not pulling on or directly interacting with the ball), shouldn’t it maintain its velocity on the way down? What’s causing the ball to accelerate at 9.8 meters/second-squared?
Thanks for the question, Mr. A! This is a very sophisticated question with a very subtle answer, so I’ll go in steps. Your premise is essentially correct. However, there’s a big subtlety in the meaning of the word “path,” and explaining this subtlety will, I think, help answer your question.
But before I go into the meaning of a path in general relativity, I want to talk about acceleration.
The acceleration you’re talking about is a change in the speed of an object. If I’m driving along a straight highway and I press the gas pedal, my speed will increase. This is the type of acceleration you’re talking about. However, changing direction is also a type of acceleration, even if the overall speed doesn’t change. For example, if I drive a car on a circular race track at a constant speed of 60 mph (~90 kph), I’m constantly turning my car towards the center of the track. My direction is constantly changing; in this case, I’m always accelerating towards the center of the track.

To a physicist, these two types of acceleration are one and the same. The reason for this is because acceleration measures the change in velocity, which is both a speed and a direction of motion. Velocity and acceleration are what are called vectors. A vector is both a magnitude and a direction. You can imagine velocity as an arrow, where the length of the arrow is the speed and the way the arrow points is the direction of motion.
This means that acceleration is also a vector, because it measures the difference between two velocity arrows. To find an acceleration, put the tails of the arrows for the old velocity and the new velocity together. The acceleration is the arrow that points from the tip of the old velocity to the tip of the new velocity. (A fiddly detail that I’m going to ignore: You have to scale the length of the acceleration vector by one over the amount of time it took to go from the initial velocity to the final velocity.)

Because acceleration is “just” an arrow, a change in speed with no change in direction (i.e., a linear acceleration) can cause the same acceleration vector as a change in direction with no change in speed.

Now, you might ask what happens when the initial velocity is zero. However, Einstein’s theory of special relativity tells us that there’s no such thing as “completely stopped.” I’m always moving with respect to someone else—and relative motion is the only thing we can actually define. This is why Newton’s first law of motion is:
An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion, unless acted on by an external force.
A modern interpretation of this law is that objects moving at a constant velocity tend to remain moving at that constant velocity. There is no such thing as “at rest.”
So this is one (very unsatisfactory) answer to your question. To Einstein, a change in direction and a change in speed are the same thing, so he didn’t need to explain both. This is one piece of the puzzle.
Let’s try and find a better answer.
Curved Spacetime
In my article “General Relativity Lets us Take Shortcuts,” I explained that spacetime is curved and that the shortest path between two points is not always a straight line—in fact, this is what we mean by “curved.” Let’s explore this idea a little more. The curved surface we’re most familiar with is the Earth, so let’s see if we can’t get some feel for curvature by exploring how we move around on Earth.
Say you want to go from Narita, Japan to San Diego, U.S.A. What’s the shortest route? Naively, you’d look at a map and draw a straight line between the two cities. However, if you look at Japan Airline’s route map, this isn’t what you’ll see.

What’s going on? (Well, other than the effects of prevailing winds.) It’ll help if we look at the Earth as a sphere instead of as a plane. The straight line between the two cities goes through the Earth, so that’s a no-go. The naive path is just a straight line on a flat map, which in this case keeps our latitude more or less constant; this is doable, but not the best we can do. The best path is a path that goes a bit north.

What’s so special about this last path? Every path on the Earth must curve, because the sphere curves. However, there’s a portion of the curvature of the path that comes from the curvature of the Earth and there’s a portion that comes from the curvature of the path itself. The latter is called the geodesic curvature. A path that’s as straight as possible—i.e., whose only curvature is the curvature of the surface it’s on—is called a geodesic. This straightest possible path, which has no curvature of its own, will always also be the shortest possible path between two points.
The geodesics for planet Earth are the great circles. These are the circles with the same radius as the Earth; in other words, take the circle formed by the equator and rotate it to make it pass through any two points. A great circle will always cut the Earth into two hemispheres of equal size. However, they will no longer be the Northern and Southern Hemispheres we’re used to.

According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, objects that are under no external force go in as straight a line as possible. This is the same as Newton’s first law of motion, but it takes the curvature of spacetime into account. How does spacetime become curved? Mass bends it.
Now, as Mr. A astutely pointed out, this explains why the path of an object curves when under the influence of gravity. If I throw a comet past the sun, the mass of the sun warps spacetime so that the shortest path past the sun bends around it in an arc. Alternatively, if I jump out of an airplane, spacetime warps such that the straightest path through it is down towards the Earth.
However, we still haven’t adequately answered Mr. A’s question. Why, if I jump out of the airplane, do I not only travel down towards Earth, but accelerate towards it at a rate of 9.8 m/s/s? What’s going on?
The secret is that Earth’s mass doesn’t just bend space—it bends time. The two can mix together and point in different strange directions with respect to each other. Furthermore, in relativity, a geodesic isn’t just the shortest path through space, but the shortest path through time. You might ask what “shortest” even means if you’re travelling through time, but we can fall back on the correspondence between shortest paths and straightest paths.
In general relativity, a geodesic is the straightest possible path through space and time.
Once I jump out of the airplane, as I fall towards the Earth, time stretches out while the space between me and the Earth contracts. The straightest path I can follow through spacetime is the one where I accelerate at 9.8 m/s/s towards the Earth.
As strange and unintuitive as it is, this is the answer to Mr. A’s question. Mass bends our path through both space and time.
(There’s an important technical detail I’m glossing over. In special relativity, distances in time have a negative square length. This changes what the straightest possible path through spacetime is, which is an important part of why curved spacetime causes acceleration.)
A Big Thanks
A big thanks to both Miss C and Mr. A for emailing me these questions. I had a lot of fun answering them, and I hope you had fun reading my answers!
Questions? Comments? Hatemail?
As you can see, I love questions because it gives me something to write about. If you have any questions, comments, corrections, or even insults, please don’t hesitate to let me know! You can post in the comments, or you can email me at
Thank you Jonah! You say “Once I jump out of the airplane, as I fall towards the Earth” etc. I understand the straight line, but why do you fall? Who says I am trying to go back to Earth? Is falling the same as not moving through space?
Thanks for reading, Eric! You’re not the only person to ask this. Mr. A emailed me a follow up question similar to yours, which I answered in last week’s post:
In Einstein’s theory, there is no such thing as “not moving through space.” One of the fundamental—and most unintuitive—tenets of special relativity is that all intertial (non-accelerating) frames of reference are the same. I can’t say “I’m not moving.” Instead, I have to say that “I’m not moving with respect to SOMETHING ELSE.”
General relativity takes this idea even further. Now even accelerating frames are the same as non-accelerating frames, so long as the acceleration is due only to gravity. If I jump out of the plane, I never percieve myself as moving. From my frame of reference, I’m floating in zero gravity, while the Earth rushes up towards me.
This is all very unintuitive, and there’s another way to think about it. Einstein imagined space and time as inseperable pieces of the same continuous curved universe. If you think about the universe this way, then we are always moving—we’re moving forwards in time! My path through space AND time will always be as straight as possible. In the absence of gravity, this would be a straight line pointing mostly in the time direction. However, when I jump out of the airplane, the mass of the Earth bends spacetime so that the straighest path for me is not just forward in time, but also towards the Earth. I also wrote an article about the unity of space and time. You might find it helpful:
Does any of this help?
Thank you for the reply! Your reply is very helpful. I have a question about the second link. But first, I will try to ask my question again in the form of a complaint.
I don’t understand why a floating objects position should be influenced at all by the way time and space elapses and exists around it. I understand the shortest path stuff, but that assumes a final destination.
You said “when I jump out of the airplane, the mass of the Earth bends spacetime so that the straightest path for me is not just forward in time, but also towards the Earth.” In summary, the straightest path into the future is down. This sounds bizarre to me. Not only because I thought time and space are independent of each other, but also – why do I have to travel on a path at all, much less the straightest path? I suppose I have to go forward in time but why do I have to do it a certain way?
That brings me to my question which might help me. I see in the link that curved spacetime is similar to rotating the axes in Minkowski space. Does that mean that time and space are no longer orthogonal and independent of each other?
Another question – does an object travelling in curved spacetime travel at a constant velocity, or does it not because it is changing direction?
Those are great questions, Eric! As you surmise, in Einstein’s relativity, space and time are not necessarily separate or orthogonal. When we say spacetime is curved, we mean that the entire four-dimensional object is curved, and space and time can mix together. In fact, in special relativity, just moving quickly mixes space and time for a given observer.
The idea that you have to follow the “straightest possible path” through spacetime, which is sometimes down, comes from inertia. This is Newton’s first law: “objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Objects at rest tend to stay at rest.” In other words, unless we apply a force to a moving object, it resists all acceleration…. and in a curved space, this means it goes in the straightest possible path based on the direction it was going before.
If I jump out of the airplane, then my previous path was the motion of the airplane and forward in time. This tells me what direction I start going. And the path that forces my path through curved spacetime to change the least takes me down towards Earth.
As you pointed out, this is really bizarre! We don’t have a good intuition for what this looks like because we can only see three dimensions and we can’t percieve the curvature of four-dimensional spacetime.
Objects travelling through curved spacetime travel at as close to constant velocity as possible, but it won’t be truly “constant” because, as you say, we change direction.
Does this clear things up a little bit? If not, please don’t hesitate to keep asking for clarification. General relativity is very unintuitive, and the explanation that’s easiest for me to understand may not be the explanation that works best for you.
That does help! Especially knowing that space and time are not independent. The whole idea would make more sense to me if the falling object were “slipping” into a lower energy state, but I know that is incorrect and that the object is simply going straight. It is hard though to understand how a ball that is thrown in the air and comes back down is going straight if its velocity with respect to the Earth changes direction. The ball cannot have a velocity toward the Earth if it is getting farther away from it.
I was trying to image after my last post a pool ball moving across a table through a curved space. A curved space that causes the ball to accelerate toward one side. It is difficult to say that space is not an arbitrary definition, but is in fact real. Would it be correct to say that a straight path for the ball and a straight path as perceived by our vision are different because light has no mass? I hope so! Perhaps if light had the same mass as the ball that all paths the ball travels through the curved space would then look straight. I know that’s a stretch, but is it close to right?
By the way, I am not getting notifications of follow-ups, but I am for new posts.
Let’s look at your ball example. You’re right that the initial velocity is not towards the Earth. Instead it points partly forward in time and partly away from the Earth. But because of the way spacetime is bent, the path curves (although to our three dimensional eyes it just stops moving at the peak of its arc before coming back down) around in the time direction and back towards Earth.
You’re absolutely that light and matter have different “straight paths.” The reason for this is that in Einstein’s theory, arrows that point mostly in the time direction have negative square length. In units where the speed of light is 1, light is always halfway in the time direction and halfway in the spatial directions, giving the volicity vector for light a zero square length. This enforces causality. Vectors for massive objects MUST point mostly in the time direction and have negative length. This tells us they can’t travel faster than light. The straightest path for a massive particle is called a timelike geodesic and the straightest path for a photon is called a null geodesic.
However, I don’t think that’s why we don’t see the curvature of spacetime. I think the main reason has to do with the way we percieve reality. We can only see in three dimensions. While we travel through time, we perceive it differently. Thus, our view of the world is much like a silhouette or shadow on the wall. We see the three-dimensional shadow of a four-dimensional world.
Let me give you an example of how objects can appear to reverse direction in a lower number of dimensions, when they’re following “straightest possible paths” in a higher number of dimensions. The straightest possible path on a sphere is one of the great circles. These are just copies of the equator, rotated around the sphere. If a particle travels along the equator, it moves in a circle. However, what if we can only see in one dimension, not two or three? To us, the particle appears to be moving back and forth like piston.
I can’t make figures and put them in the comment, but I’d like to write up my conversation with you as a formal blog post, because I don’t think you’re the only person confused by all of this. Would you mind if I did that?
I believe there’s an option to get email notifications for comments on a given post when you post a new comment. I can see it from my interface, but its possible there’s a bug so that it doesn’t show up for non-admins. If so, that would be very good to know!
Feel free to use our conversation for another post. I’d enjoy reading it. By the way, I am clicking both check boxes below.
Okay, I think I’ve exhausted my ability to be confused, but your answers have helped more than reading online and watching hours of lectures. And your blog has been more helpful than anything else online. The frustration I still have is based on the idea that although I can’t visualize four dimensions as you allude to with the Plato’s shadow thing, if I throw a ball up in the air, I’ve reduced the spacial dimension to one and I feel I should now be able to visualize it in two dimensions. And I’m trying to figure out if the sphere example is just an analogy or if it is more exact than that. I have trouble imagining time as a sphere! But I think it may be more complicated than a “time sphere” now that I know the time and space dimensions are not independent. That’s why I began thinking about simplifying the problem to imagine a spacial curvature with no time curvature and imagining how a pool ball might react. But ,it is hard to imagine a spacial curvature that makes left and right travel dependent on up and down travel even though it would be three dimensional.
So although I would like to understand why the ball must, of course, come back down, I may have to just accept it like we all have to accept quantum mechanics. It’s just hard to say that if you constructed a universe where time elapses quicker as you move away from massive objects, that of course massive objects will be compelled to accelerate toward each other. I can accept it, but I could never deduce that conclusion. But maybe the mixing together of space and time is the part I didn’t consider.
Thanks for your replies and your post! I will probably ask you more questions after I’ve thought about this more.
I’m glad I was able to help! I simplified things a bit with the time sphere example. But, actually, you’ve given me an idea about how to explain this. I’m going to try and work through the actual solution in 2 dimensions as opposed to four and post on it. I think the results will be helpful. (I just need to find the time!)
Thanks for reading, Eric! I’ll see if I can figure out what’s going wrong with the comment notification system.
for a given mass and time coordinate; what is the spacial distortion ? That is to say does it diminish with spacial dimension or does it just attenuate to infinity? Secondly; what occurs when two (or more) such warps …say from two massive stars…interact? How does a photon deal with this path through to cosmos? Enough. Thanks.