There is geometry
in the humming of the strings.
There is music
in the spacing of the spheres.

When Albert Einstein and David Hilbert published the theory of general relativity, they weren’t just proposing a new theory of gravity. They were proposing a new way of thinking. In general relativity, gravity isn’t a force. Instead, it’s a natural consequence of the shape of the universe. Force comes from stuff. Matter pushes and pulls on other matter. A proton may need to use its electric field to attract an electron, but the field is a property of the proton. In relativity, however, gravity comes from shape. The universe is bent by mass and energy, and matter just follows the straightest path it can through space and time. This looks like a force, but it’s fundamentally different.
But if Gravity can come from geometry, from the shape of the universe itself, can anything else? Perhaps every force we’ve ever seen—or even every particle we’ve ever seen—is an illusion arising from geometry. This is the question that inspired Kaluza-Klein theory, which in turn inspired grand unifying theories like string theory.
If you follow me regularly, you know that I’ve written a fair amount on general relativity. I think an intuitive understanding of general relativity will help you understand Kaluza-Klein theory better. So you may want follow some of those links. I also suggest reading my article on Fourier analysis, since that will prove important.
Some History
In April 1919, Theodor Kaluza was studying general relativity in five dimensions—purely as a mathematical exercise—when he noticed something fantastic. If he took a special type of five-dimensional spacetime and looked at it from only four dimensions, it reduced to four dimensional general relativity with an extra set equations: the equations for electromagnetism.
Kaluza immediately wrote to Einstein. Einstein—who already had his heart set on a theory of everything, an obsession that would last until he died—was ecstatic. Einstein not only urged Kaluza to publish, but even helped him present his paper to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin.
Kaluza’s idea had one small problem: we can’t move in five directions (4 space and one time). We can only move in four (3 space and one time). How can we explain this discrepancy? Physicist Oskar Klein came to the rescue. Klein discovered that if the dimension was a circle, he could make it small enough so that we couldn’t travel in the fifth direction. Even better, the special type of five-dimensional spacetime required by Kaluza emerged naturally.
Although Einstein wrote a paper on Kaluza and Klein’s ideas, the whole idea went mostly ignored until the invention of string theory, when it played a very important role.
Some Analogies
Kaluza-Klein theory is rather more abstract than any of the physics I’ve talked about before. So, to give you a better intuitive feel for what’s going on, before I go into the details of Kaluza and Klein’s discoveries, I’m going to try to give several analogies.
The Hand Shadow Puppet
Let’s look at the title image again.

A shadow puppet perfectly encapsulates the idea of Kaluza-Klein theory. In two dimensions, a three-dimensional hand, which is a very funny shape if you think about it, appears as the coherent image of something familiar like a man’s head or rabbit or a duck. In Kaluza Klein theory, a we can project five-dimensional spacetime down to four dimensions, where it appears to be something familiar: a four-dimensional spacetime and electromagnetism.
The Tightrope Walker
To make things easier to visualize, let’s take everything down a dimension. Imagine that the real world is only one dimension and the extra dimension proposed by Kaluza gives us two dimensions. Now, imagine a tightrope walker confined to walk his tightrope forever.

To the tightrope walker, the world is one-dimensional. He can walk either forward or backwards, that’s it. Of course, the world is actually two-dimensional: an ant can walk around the tightrope to the other side.

Although the tightrope walker can’t see the tightrope, the shape of the tightrope effects him. If the tightrope is square and aligns with his feet he’ll be able to walk more easily than if the tightrope is round. And, if the cable is pointy, then the tightrope walker may be in a lot of pain!

If the tightrope walker could not perceive the second dimension of the tightrope, he might imagine that, as the shape of the cross-section changed, he was under the influence of a force.
Similarly, in Kaluza-Klein theory, we live in a four-dimensional spacetime on the surface of a very small circle, which is the fifth dimension. The shape of the circle is reflected in our world as electromagnetic force.
How It Works
Now let’s see if we can’t understand Kaluza-Klein theory a bit better. This part may have a bit of abstract math in it so feel free to skip it. Hopefully I got the idea across with my analogies. We can define the curvature of spacetime by how we measure distance. To write this out mathematically, we define what we call a metric. A metric is a list of rounded up numbers—where
is the dimension of the space—that quantify how difficult it is to move in a given direction. So in three dimensions, there are five numbers, in four there are eight, and in five there are thirteen. These numbers tell us how difficult it is to travel in a given direction. For instance, it may take more effort to travel north than to travel east.
In Kaluza-Klein theory, the metric is made up of thirteen numbers that change as we travel in five dimensions. But, because the fifth dimension is so small, we can’t travel in it. Then, eight of the numbers correspond to the metric in four-dimensional general relativity, four of the numbers correspond to the electric and magnetic fields of Maxwell’s theory. The final number corresponds to an as-of-yet unobserved particle.
You might think this is a simple mathematical trick, but if we follow the math through and try to generate Einstein’s equations for general relativity in five dimensions, we recover Einstein’s equations in four dimensions and Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetism.
This is a staggering development! Out of the pure geometry of a five-dimensional spacetime, we generate a theory of four-dimensional spacetime that has photons and light in it! (Remember that photons are the particles corresponding to electromagnetic radiation.)
Dreams of Unification
This offers an answer to a fundamental question. Why is there stuff? Why should there be matter in the universe? Why should there be energy? Kaluza and Klein suggest that matter itself might emerge like a shadow from a shadow hand puppet as a lower-dimensional echo of a higher-dimensional geometry. Einstein was entranced with this idea, and many physicists after him have followed suit. Given the beauty of the idea, can you blame them?
But is it true?
No one seriously studies Kaluza-Klein theory any more. It predicts a particle we have not yet observed, which troubles physicists. However, the idea itself has taken hold. We can add even more tiny curled up dimensions to build unified theories that try to take it all in, and explain everything with geometry. This is where theories like string theory come in. Although Kaluza-Klein theory is generally considered un-physical, the founding principle may yet offer us a path to a unified theory of physics.
Further Reading
There is almost nothing on Kaluza-Klein theory meant for the general public. All I can suggest is that you check out popular treatments of string theory, like Brian Green’s “The Elegant Universe.” I also found a very nice article on Einstein’s brush with grand unified theories .
Questions? Comments? Hatemail?
I’m a bit concerned that this article was too abstract. What do you guys think? Let me know by email, on google+, or in the comments. And of course, if you have any insight, comments, corrections, or insults, let me know about that too!
This is a great article and very pertinent to allowing a paradigm adjustment in the Superstring Theory. You obviously have a good handle on the intuitive interpretation (from the math). I would like to get a thorough intuitive grasp on the meaning of the EM Tkl. All I have read indicates that the EM Tkl derive from the Fkl and there is some kind of jump to the explicit EM Tkl which include the Poynting Sx, Sy, Sz mixed with C and the sigmas for 3D velocities. Also, if we are recovering the EM functions in the 4 space model generated by a 5D space model, shouldn’t we be allowing for a 5D model in the EM Tkl. Basically, I need your help. Your presentation on the KK is certainly not too in depth and it is so critical to reconciling gravity with EM.
Your site is wonderful and every young student in high school who is interested in physics should explore it.
Thanks, Bill Christie
Thanks for reading, Bill!
I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean by “Tkl” and “Fkl.”
If you want a more in-depth introduction to Kaluza-Klein theory, I can offer that too. I have one:
Sorry but gotta run so to be brief: Tkl referred to mass energy density tensor. Overview (top down) conservation of energy pointed Einstein to pairing Ricci curvature tensor Rkl thus Gkl to Tkl. Rotating Wave has structure that can help derive Rkl bottom up.
I think Kaluza’s 5th dimension is the 5th vector of the Rotating Wave in our usual 3D space. It provides angular direction and magnitude that generates rotation, curvature, expansion of space, and slowing of time. Basically the 5th vector Vt deforms the 4D metric.
For my physics theory go to:
and scroll down to Jan 11 2016 03:24 GMT attachment:
Rotating Wave of Electron WHF Christie Jan 03 2016z.pdf
Also see: Geometrical Interpretation of Electromagnetism in 5-Dimensional Manifold TaeHun Kim and Hyunbyuk Kim July 12 2015 arXiv: 1507.03184v1 (gr-qc). They consider the conventional model but likewise suggest the 5th dimension deforms the 4D metric.
Bill Christie
I am a chemist with a lifelong interest in physics. For years I was bothered by the question: why should gravitational waves travel at the speed of light? Then one day I reversed the q to why should light travel at the speed of gravity. This immediately leads to believing that electromagnetic waves are fundamentally geometric.Thus I came to believe that Kaluza had captured something very important.
So why do physicists believe Kaluza-Klein is unphysical? Are the predicted properties of the missing particle absurd, or impossible?
Excellent question. Indeed there are some unphysical consequences… most notably a particle called the “dilaton” which we should have observed.
But the theory lives on in more sophisticated forms, e.g., in string theory.
Google Christie EM Space Propeller and you will get to SSI Advanced Propulsion video with Vt 5th vector of Rotating Wave Model as Kaluza 5th Dimension. For RW model you start with Position vectors and derive 3 space velocity vectors plus the 4th Vr rotation tangent vector (time cycle) plus 5th expansion vector. You don’t get Rkl intrinsic curvature without the 5th Vt vector. Totally fits with Kaluza and you get the floppy shadow hand presentation too!
There are 4 dimensions in the physical world. Could this fifth dimension be the unseen world of spirits? Jesus, the greatest teacher in the history of the world (who NEVER started ANY religion), said, “It is the spirit that quickens (i.e. makes the inanimate body animate); the body is nothing (just inanimate matter without the spirit)”. He also said, “let the dead bury their dead”. I’d appreciate your opinion.
Spirit, i.e., energy! Body, i.e. inanimate matter without the spirit or energy to animate it. Incidentally, there is NO mind. The American-born Canadian brain surgeon kept searching in the brains of his patients for a mind but failed to find any. How could he find the intangible spirit (energy) in a tangible body? Luigi Galvani’s discovery was ignored. Psychiatrists speak of spirit, mind and body. Jesus spoke of spirit (energy) and body. Who ya gonna believe? There’s NO mind!
I forgot to mention the brain surgeon’s name – Dr. Wilder Penfield. (probably made wilder by his discovery that there was NO mind). hahahahahaha…
Great article. I wish I could find more like it.
I’m pretty sure now that it is a rotating wave (RW). At effective radius, tangent velocity of RW is constant C. C2 = Vv2 + Vr2 + Vt2. Vv = translational forward motion, Vr = rotational motion, and Vt = expansion motion. Thus wave rotates, moves foward (helical), and spirals out or in (giving intrinsic curvature which Rkl can be derived. Kaluza 5th D = Vt expansion.
Bill Christie
This answer seems to be duplication of your article.
Thanks for the heads up!