How Things Work: Lasers

You know,
I have one simple request.
And that is to have sharks
with frikkin laser beams
attached to their heads!

~Dr. Evil

Always look on the bright side
…unless you’re holding a laser pointing device.


Pew pew pew!
The death star superlaser embodies our fascination with lasers. But how do they work? (Source: Death Star PR)

The laser is, without a doubt, one of the most ubiquitous, archetypal technologies of modern times. And it is one of the most direct applications of quantum mechanics.  But how do lasers work?

It All Starts In The Atom

The story starts deep within the atom. I’ve previously discuss the fact that particles are waves and that this forces electrons to have only certain specific energies inside an atom. The energy and momentum of a particle control how many times the corresponding wave wiggles. And these must fit in a circle around the nucleus of the atom, as shown below.

An electron around an atom
If an electron’s wavelength is too short (left) or too long (right), then it doesn’t fit at a given radius. However if the wavelength is an integer value of some special number (center), the electron fits.

If the atom is part of a molecule, especially a crystal, the discrete allowed energies become so numerous that they look like continuous bands. And this leads to band structure.

For clarity, physicists often imagine extremely simple atoms with only two or three allowed electron orbits, each of which is allowed only at a single specific energy and a single specific momentum. We then plot these energies as a function of their allowed momenta. The plot is called an “energy level diagram,” and it looks something like the figure below.

Energy level diagram
An energy level diagram. The red bars represent energies and momenta that the electrons in an atom are allowed to have. The higher up the bar is, the more energy. The further to the right the bar is, the more momentum.

Between Light And Matter

 Now let’s imagine an electron sits in the lowest energy level, as shown below.

electron just sitting. yo.
An electron (yellow) sitting in the lowest energy band (red bar).

When a photona light particle—hits the atom (or alternatively passes right through it), it has the potential to affect the electron. Classically (i.e., without quantum mechanics), the light would accelerate the electron, since the electron is a charged particle and light is made up of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic fields affect charged particles. However, if the electron accelerated, it will gain kinetic energy. This gain is only allowed if the electron ends up with one of the allowed energies.

If the electron is accelerated, it will absorb the photon, absorbing both the energy and momentum of the photon. So it is only allowed to absorb the photon if the electron’s new energy and momentum are allowed within the atom. Otherwise, surprisingly, the photon passes right through the atom unmolested, as shown below.

Electron absorbs a photon. Or not.
Left: A photon with the right energy and momentum (green) hits the atom, causing the electron (yellow) to absorb the photon and jump to a new allowed energy band.
Right: a photon with the wrong energy and momentum (blue) hits the atom. The electron (yellow) is unable to absorb the photon because the electron’s new energy and momentum would not be allowed. The photon passes through the atom unmolested.

The same process works in reverse. Electrons are lazy and they want to be in the lowest possible energy state. So they’ll do whatever they can to drop from a high energy state to a lower one. And the easiest way for an electron to drop to a lower energy state is by
emitting a photon. The emitted photon must, of course, have energy and momentum such that the electron’s new energy state is allowed, as shown below. This process is known as fluorescence.

Electron emits light
If an electron (yellow) is in a high-energy state, it will try to lose energy by emitting a photon (green) and drop to a lower-energy state. The photon then will have the energy and momentum that the electron lost.

The rules determining how an electron may change energy and momentum are called “selection rules.”

Cheating Selection Rules

Of course, selection rules aren’t absolute. Quantum mechanics is inherently probabilistic, and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle forbids us from knowing all quantities perfectly well. This means that if we shine a beam of light on an atom such that most of the photons have the wrong energy and momentum for the electron to transition to a new energy level… every once and a while, by pure quantum chance, a photon will come along with the right energy and momentum and the electron will transition, as shown below.

photon bombardment
Left: If we bombard an electron with photons with the wrong energy and momentum (blue), eventually one of the correct energy and momentum (green) will come along, as shown in the right, and excite the electron.

Another way you can think about it is that, eventually, the electron itself moves a little bit out of the allowed energy levels and it can absorb one of the forbidden photons, as shown below.

Quantum electron fluctuates out of quantum allowed state.
Because of the uncertainty in its energy and momentum allowed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the electron (yellow) can sometimes, very rarely, fluctuate out of its allowed energy states, at which point it can absorb a forbidden photon (blue) if the photon puts it into an allowed state.

Stimulated Emission

Now, let’s imagine that an electron starts in a low-energy state. And it is excited into a high energy state by a photon with the appropriate energy and momentum. Then, while the electron is still in this high-energy state, another photon with the same energy and momentum hits the atom. What happens?

Intuitively, the photon should pass harmlessly through the atom, unabsorbed, because the electron has nowhere to go. However, this isn’t what happens at all. The electron will drop down to a low-energy state and emit an identical photon, traveling in the same direction and with the same energy and momentum as the incident photon, as shown below. This is called stimulated emission, and it is the magic that makes lasers work.

Stimulated emission
When an electron is in an excited state, an incident photon of the appropriate energy and momentum can cause the electron to emit another photon which is an exact clone of the incident one. This is called stimulated emission.

Unfortunately, I can’t really give a good explanation for how stimulated emission works. The mathematics behind it, and that predicts it comes from time-dependent perturbation theory, a way to examine the quantum mechanics of complicated situations. I can say that absorption and stimulated emission are opposites. The math for each is the same. Indeed, process that’s most different is the most intuitive: fluorescence, where the atom decays without any stimulus at all.

Population Inversion and Gain

If we could take advantage of stimulated emission, we could use it to amplify a beam of light and make it very intense. More importantly, ever photon in the beam could be generated from a single seed photon. The beam could be made of clones, all traveling in the same direction, all with the same energy and momentum. This would let us control the properties of the beam very precisely. (This property is called coherence.)

Unfortunately, atoms like to fluoresce, which means that most electrons do not stay in a high-energy state for long enough for us to initiate stimulated emission. Is there a way around this?

There is a way around this problem! Some transitions between states take longer than others. (This has to do with the quantum mechanics of selection rules that I talked about earlier.) Furthermore, some transitions are more likely to occur naturally than others. In other words, if we select the right atom, we can control how electrons in it transition between states. We can find an atom where the electrons transition to a high energy state very quickly, but then decay into a middle state where they stay for a long time. If we do this fast enough, we can get all of our electrons into the middle state, as shown below. This is called a “population inversion.”

The lifecycle of a laser.
The lifecycle of a laser. An electron starts in a low-energy state (lower left), but is excited by some process to a high energy state. Then the electron quickly relaxes into a middle-energy state (top). The lost energy might go into the vibration of the atom or into light we don’t care about. The electron then sits in this middle energy state for a long time, allowing us to create a population inversion. With a population inversion, we can induce stimulated emission (right).

Once we have a population inversion, all it takes is one seed photon. We put a block of our inverted material (called a gain medium) in between two mirrors, as shown below. Then we make the material fluoresce once. It doesn’t really matter how. Eventually the material will fluoresce if it’s in population inversion.

A laser cavity.
A so-called laser cavity, where we place the gain medium between two mirrors.

Once one photon is between the two mirrors, it will bounce off of a mirror and pass through the gain medium, causing stimulated emission. Then two photons will bounce off of a mirror and pass through the gain medium, causing stimulated emission. Then four photons will bounce off of a mirror… Well you get the idea.

This is how laser light gets so intense.


But why is laser light only one color? This is actually much easier to explain. It’s a consequence of the fact that the gain medium is placed between two mirrors. Remember that photons are both particles and waves. And that the wavelength of the wave determines the color of the light. Moreover, light waves are made up of electric and magnetic fields. The electric field of the light must be zero at the mirror, because mirrors are conductors. The electrons in the mirror move to cancel whatever electric field might otherwise exist.

This means that,  just as an electron orbiting a nucleus can only fit an integer number of wavelengths into the orbit, a light beam can only fit an integer number of wavelengths between the two mirrors, as shown below.Otherwise, the wavelength would not be zero.

This is also called a Fabry-Perot Cavity
Light waves in a laser cavity. The longest wavelength wave is the blue. The shortest is the red. (This is actually the opposite color coding as that in real life. Sorry about that.) If these waves had slightly longer or shorter wavelengths, they wouldn’t fit in the cavity.

This selection process is an example of a broader phenomenon called resonance. The mythbusters have a nice explanation of resonance in their episode on Tesla’s earthquake machine.


Where don’t lasers have applications? We use them in medicine for laser eye surgery. We use them in our computers to read optical disks. We use them in our factories to cut metal. We use them to send light signals through fiber optic cables for communication. We use them to measure distance. We use them to measure time. We use them to generate fusion power, and we use them to help us calibrate our telescopes. I’ll talk about some of these ideas in future posts. If you’d like to hear about a specific application, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

Further Reading

Where to even start? Here are some resources:

  • PHET has a simulation of a laser suitable for classroom demonstrations. It just runs in a web applet.
  • Minute Physics has a nice video. It uses Bosonic statistics to explain stimulated emission. I don’t really like this explanation, but it does give a good intuition.
  • The National Ignition Facility, where they’re trying to use lasers to make fusion power has a nice article.
  • How Stuff Works has an article on lasers too.
  • LFI International has a nice article too.

Questions? Comments Insults?

As always, let me know if you have questions, comments, or hatemail. Or if you just want to speak your mind.

5 thoughts on “How Things Work: Lasers

  1. Could you by any chance explain why, when using a laser pointer, the beam appears to end abruptly in the sky – I.e. when shining towards the night sky it seems to stop suddenly at a particular point?

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