The word “quantum” means a single share or portion. In quantum mechanics, this means that energy comes in discrete chunks, or quanta, rather than a continuous flow. But it also means that particles have other properties that are discrete in a way that’s deeply counterintuitive. Today I want to tell you about one such property, called spin, and the experiment that discovered it: the Stern-Gerlach experiment. (The goal of the original experiment was actually to test something else. But it was revealed later, after the discovery of spin by Wolfgang Pauli, that this is in fact what Stern and Gerlach were
Astrophysics / cosmology / Physics / etc.
The Universe Is an Inside-Out Star
No, not really. But as we’ll see, it’s a useful analogy. Today we’ll learn about sound waves in the sun and how, if we imagine that the universe is the sun but inside-out, these are the same as the sound waves that filled the early universe. DISCLAIMER: This is a pedagogical exercise only! I am not claiming the universe is ACTUALLY an inside-out star or that scientists think of it as one. Sound Waves in the Sun I’m sure you won’t be surprised when I say that the sun is a complicated beast. A nuclear furnace burning at tens
Computer Related / Mathematics / numerical analysis / etc.
Tidbit: Radio Waves Bouncing Off of an F-15
I’m afraid I don’t have time to write very much this week. So instead, I leave you with a little hint of the sort of thing I’m thinking about. The above picture is from a paper I just read. It shows a simulation of radio waves bouncing off of an F-15 fighter jet. The simulation was effected by first building the jet out of many tiny pyramids linked together at the faces (shown on the left). Then, a set of five waves or so was allowed to exist inside each pyramid. When you take all of these waves together,
The BICEP2 Result Was Just Dust, and That’s Okay
You may remember that about this time last year, there was a big hullabaloo because a research group from Harvard claimed that they had discovered primordial gravitational waves using BICEP2, their telescope in the South Pole. This was very exciting because, if true, the result would be extremely good evidence for a model of the early universe called cosmic inflation. (Cosmic inflation is mostly accepted by the scientific community, but it has some philosophical problems and is thus still a little bit controversial. The BICEP2 results would have ended the controversy once and for all.) Even better, the precise
Physics / Quantum Mechanics
Sometimes a Particle Isn’t Possible
Last time, I showed you how you could construct a photon, a light particle, in a configuration of mirrors called a ring cavity. This time I’ll show you that sometimes, you can’t make just one particle—they only come in pairs. And sometimes, the notion of a particle doesn’t make any sense at all. (This post relies heavily on last week’s post, so if you haven’t read that, I recommend you do so.) Disclaimer: What I’m about to describe is only the simplest case, and I make simplifications for the sake of exposition. It is possible to capture and manipulate
Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Science And Math
What’s in a Particle?
If you’ve read or heard anything about quantum mechanics, you’ve heard the phrase “particle-wave duality.” The common wisdom is that this means that particles sometimes behave like waves and sometimes behave like particles. And although this is right, it’s a bit misleading. The truth is: Everything is always a wave. It’s just that waves can be made to behave like particles. To see what I mean, let’s actually show how one can make a set of waves behave like a particle. Specifically, let’s show how a set of light waves can be made to behave like a photon, a light particle.
Biology / Science And Math
The Most Important Scientist in my Life: My Mom
January 6th is my mother’s birthday. As a present, I decided to showcase the first scientist I ever knew—one who I met before I was even born. Arleen Garfinkle (one day to be Arleen Miller) entered graduate school at the University of Colorado in the fall of 1973 and graduated in 1979. During that time she developed a battery of tests designed to track a child’s numerical and logical reasoning skills, based on the theories of psychologist Jean Piaget. Once she developed the test, she gave it (and several other tests) to over 200 pairs of twins aged four through eight and
Astrophysics / Physics / Science And Math
Pope Francis says Evolution and the Big Bang are Compatible with Catholicism
You’ve probably heard, the news. Pope Francis has announced that Big Bang cosmology and evolutionary theory are compatible with Catholicism and “may even be required.” This is, of course, wonderful news. It’s evidence that science and religion are not necessarily incompatible and that people of faith can modify their beliefs based on the evidence around them. But it should have been this way all along. Indeed, it originally _was_ this way. One of the people who developed Big Bang cosmology, Monseigneur Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître was a catholic priest who believed that his studies of physics brought him
Hi everyone. You probably haven’t heard from me in a while. This is because I have been completely overwhelmed by class work this semester, which has prevented me from doing the things I want to do, like blogging and doing my own research. For the time being, I don’t think I can expect myself to blog every week, or even every other week. So I’m putting the blog on hold until the semester ends (which should be around the holidays). As always, thanks for reading, everybody.
Astrophysics / Physics / Relativity / etc.
What Space Projects Excite Me: Multi-Messenger Astronomy
A few weeks ago, awesome blogger and space advocate Zain Husain asked me to contribute to a roundup post he wrote. He contacted a bunch of people (most of them much more prestigious than me) and asked them one question: What NASA or space project are you most excited about and why? You can (and should) read everybody’s response to Zain’s question on his blog, here. However, I wanted to expand on part of my answer and tell you why I’m excited about multi-messenger astronomy. Supernova Supernova It all starts with the title image above. That’s an image of